
About Us

Transforming Florida one student at a time.

Take Stock in Children, Inc. is a nonprofit organization, transforming Florida one student at a time. Working in every county throughout Florida, Take Stock in Children Palm Beach is 1 of 46 affiliate offices. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty for low-income, academically qualified students by providing opportunities for a post-secondary education. Through an innovative multi-year model we provide wraparound services to students, with no drop-off of services after high school completion. Students are matched with a caring volunteer mentor, equipped with academically focused intervention, awarded a college scholarship, and provided with post-secondary retention services.

1,200 Students Enrolled

Middle/High School & College

29 Middle & High School Sites

Served in Palm Beach County

$15 Million

In Florida Prepaid Foundation Scholarships

5,000 Volunteer Hours Served

& Over 450 Volunteer Mentors

Executive Committee

Evan Bolinski
(Board Chair)

Urban Alpha Partners

Mack Perry


Eric Ray

Holland & Knight LLP

CJ Janney


Zachary Berg
(Immediate Past Chair)

Managing Director
First Republic Investment Management, Inc.

Board Members

Shiva Ahrens

Senior Research Scientist
Florida Crystals

Keven Allen Jr, M.ED

First Generation Student Success
Florida Atlantic University

Marcia Andrews

District 6
Palm Beach County School Board

Dr. Peter Barbatis

VP Student Services and Enrollment Management
Palm Beach State College

Max Kaye

Development Analyst
Related Companies

Jeff Michaud


Mike Murgio

Greenway Wealth Management

Keith Oswald

Chief of Equity and Wellness
Palm Beach County School District

Kevin Probel

First Vice President
CBRE | Advisory & Transaction Services

Katia Saint-Preux

Senior Community Relations Specialist

Kyle Benko, Ex- Officio

SVP & Controller
TBC Corporation

Rande Willison, Ex-Officio

Senior VP Retail


Nancy Stellway,
Executive Director

(561) 603-9742

[email protected]

Lidia Vargas,
Director of Development

(561) 603-9718

[email protected]

Danielle Oldham,
Director of Program Services

(561) 316-8701

[email protected]

Shania Rowley,
Program Success Manager

(561) 729-4319

[email protected]

Kamil Segarra,
Mentor Manager

(561) 729-4742

 [email protected]

Elissa Sorel,
Mentor Manager

(561) 320-8464

[email protected]

Katherine Macksey,
Corporate Development Manager

(561) 294-7344

[email protected]

Holly Poinsett,
Program Compliance Coordinator

(561) 683-1704

[email protected]

Marilyn Schiavo,
Manager of Program Services

(561) 320-1076

[email protected]

Wanda Kirby,
College Success Coach

(561) 729-4742

[email protected]

Julie Silva,
Financial & Office Administrator

(561) 308-2155

[email protected]

Camille Pottillo,
College Readiness Coach

(561) 729-2333

[email protected]

Djenane Saintyl,
College Readiness Coach

(561) 729-5172

[email protected]

Vanessa Jimenez,
Alumni Ambassador

[email protected]

Gbolade George,
Johnson Scholarship Partner

(561) 714-2248

[email protected]

Pharah Lissade-Latour,
Johnson Scholarship Partner


[email protected]

AmeriCorps College Readiness Coaches

Hunter Johnson,
College Readiness Coach

[email protected]

Mike Nigrelli,
College Readiness Coach

[email protected]

Patrick Nunnallee,
College Readiness Coach

[email protected]